Apprenticeship Influencer Expression of Interest
The Apprenticeship Influencer Scheme is exclusively for our apprentices. Being an App Influencer can take many forms, from delivering a talk in your old school about routes into the professions, as well as attending events to promote apprenticeships around the country and online and being ambassadors for diversity and inclusion whilst at BPP and beyond.
Apprenticeship Influencer Expression of Interest
Your name
alphabetically and phonetically e.g Lucy Wildig = Loo-See Will-Dig
Your employer
Email Address
Please tick this box if you are UNDER 18 years of age.
The team require this information because additional safeguarding measures may need to be put in place to protect the wellbeing of volunteers who are under 18.
Apprenticeship course you are studying?
Training Provider
BPP University Law School
BPP Accountancy and Actuarial
BPP School of Technology
BPP School of Skills and People Development
BPP School of Financial Services
BPP University School of Business
BPP School of Nursing
Firebrand Training
Digital Marketing Institute
Please confirm the types of Apprenticeship Influencer options you'd be interested in taking part in:
Presenting 'routes into the profession' presentation at local schools
Attending events on behalf of your training provider to promote apprenticeships
Promoting diversity, inclusion and equality on internal and external panels
Join our University students to help deliver skills sessions in the community
Joining feedback focus groups to help us continually improve our programmes
If there is anything else you'd like to know ahead of being added to the database, please set it out below.